Innovative Development

Al-Qahtani Building-2
1st Floor, Dhahran Street
Post.Box.No:7235, Dammam-32243
Saudi Arabia.



Innovative Development has the technology that can provide the answer to an extensive cross-section of repair areas, from full turnkey systems to simple in-situ repairs. We are committed to providing bespoke solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of each and every client.

Our approach to refurbishment and protection avoids the need for replacement, reducing repair and maintenance costs, and above all, downtime. Especially, protective pipeline coatings that can be applied by hand or spray method.

We offer a full range of fast cure, high build epoxies for a variety of above and below ground corrosion protection. Our Liquid Coatings can easily be applied in high and low temperature environments. Our anti corrosion coatings are also great for protecting girth welds, tie-ins, cadwells, fittings, fabrications, and rehabilitation to existing pipelines.

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