Innovative Development
Al-Qahtani Building-2
1st Floor, Dhahran Street
Post.Box.No:7235, Dammam-32243
Saudi Arabia.
The business held by the organization encompasses a broad spectrum of companies and divisions in commercial, industrial, chemical, and mechanical. Apart from these, the company also provides pertinent services in sectors like Petrochemical sector, Oil and Gas, Mining, and Agriculture. However, Innovative Development company is known for its Manufacturing, Contracting and Trading services that have been quite efficient, since its establishment. Ranked amongst the top 100 companies in Saudi Arabia, its headquarters are situated in Dammam that links regional sales and services throughout the GCC Neighboring countries its network of procurement offices in Dammam. In addition to this, the company also expanding, to established a satalite facility in the entire Kingdom of Saudi Arabia especially in Riyadh, Jeddah and Abha. Moving ahead with a vision to explore new business opportunities.